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by Scott Miller
Hyde Park Middle School
Las Vegas, NV


MUSIC:  Playing Instruments

 Content Standard 2.0:  Students perform a varied repertoire of music on instruments alone and with others.

2.3.1  Play classroom instruments using proper technique.

MUSIC:  Reading

Content Standard 5.0:  Students read and notate music.

5.3.2  Read melodic patterns using solfege, numbers and/or letters.


5.3.3    Use simple music symbols


5.3.5    Notate simple rhythmic and melodic patterns (e.g. icons, manipulatives).

5.5.1   Read whole, half, dotted half, quarter and eighth notes and rests in duple and triple meter.

5.5.2  Read melodic patterns in the treble clef  using solfege, numbers  and/or letters.


 5.5.5    Notate simple rhythm and  melody using standard symbols.

5.8.2   Read simple melodies in the student's appropriate clef.


 5.8.3   Apply music symbols to the repertoire.


General Instructions:

Complete one “layer” before going on to another layer. No more than ____ assignments will be signed off on one day, in any layer. Each assignment has a point value based on the amount of time and effort necessary to complete that task. You must earn the required amount of points in any one layer to moving on to the next layer. Even when working with a partner, you will be expected to demonstrate what you know individually.

NAME___________________ PERIOD_______   DUE DATE_________

Concepts to Master:

Music as a written code (recipe for a song)

Notation as an instruction to act

Pitch as high and low Sound

Pitch as a specific line or space on a staff

Pitch as  a specific key on a piano



Grand Staff

Ledger Lines


Section 1. Basic Understanding. 45 points needed to move to section 2. This “C” layer must be completed before beginning the “B” layer.
5 pts____   1. Listen to lecture on how we can communicate using only pictures.  (REQUIRED FOR ALL)
5 pts____   2. Create a set of directions using only pictures. Show it to a friend and check if they can follow these directions before you present it to me.
10 pts____ 3. Watch Sessions 1,2 and 3 of Music Ace. Take notes in your notebook on all information that you feel is new to you (stuff you didn’t learn in Elementary school). Notebooks will be checked for a grade.
10 pts____ 4. Watch chapters I to X from Emedia Beginner Piano and Keyboard Lessons to learn how to use the software. Then do chapters 31 -35. Listen to all examples and watch all video explanations. Take notes in your notebook on all information that you feel is new to you (stuff you didn’t learn in Elementary school). Notebooks will be checked for a grade.
5 pts____  5. Create a mnemonic device that reflects all of the lines and space notes for both the treble and the bass clef.
5 pts____  6. In Music Ace: play the game for Session 3-5. Score higher than a _____ for each section.
5 pts____  7. In Music Ace: play the game for Session 6-9. Score higher than a _____ for each section.
5 pts____   8. Create 5 words that use the letters A,B,C,D,E,F, and G exclusively. Write them using notes on a staff.   (REQUIRED FOR ALL)
5 pts____   9. Accurately draw a keyboard 24 notes long (counting both black and white notes). Label all of the notes with the correct letter.
LAYER “C” IS COMPLETE__________________ DATE__________

Section 2.     Application/Analysis. 100 points needed to move to section 3. This “C” layer must be completed before beginning the “B” layer.
20 pts____   1. Open your Schaum Book A to page 6,7 and 8. Label each note with its correct letter.
30 pts____   2. View the power point presentation “Making your Electric Game”. Follow the instructions to design your own functioning game. This game would demonstrate your knowledge of the notes on a staff as they correspond to the keys on a keyboard.


50 pts____   1. Pass the written quiz on notes on treble clef and bass clef lines and spaces.

LAYER “B” IS COMPLETE__________________ DATE__________

Section 3.     Synthesis/Evaluation  100 points needed to move to Performance Assessment. This “C” layer must be completed before beginning the “B” layer.
100 pts____   1. Accurately play the pitches from “The Woodchuck”, “Snug as a Bug in a Rug” and “Hanna from Montana” on your keyboard, in the proper order using our performance rubic.
LAYER “A” IS COMPLETE__________________ DATE__________

Performance Assessment:
Create the game that you have planned and designed using the electric components I provide. Demonstrate how it works and what skill it drills in a class presentation. This project will be judged against our presentation rubric. The project is due in one week.