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By Linda Lange

Rahn Elementary, Eagan, MN

PURPOSE: Theme study while teaching primary students basic skills according to Individual Education Plan (IEP) goals in Reading, Math, and Writing.

SETTING THE STAGE: Tape or CD of nature sounds-- "Listen for bug sounds, children." Ladybug boarder on bulletin board to display work and charts to show personal improvement. Use bug flip charts to open lesson times and bug stickers on good papers.


Books to read to the class each day and to put in a book center about bugs. "Waiting for Wings", "Flies: from fireflies mosquitos", "A Firefly Biologist at Work", "How Insects Work Together", starting with Nature Bug Book, "Simon and Schuster Children's Guide to Bugs", "ABC of Crawlers and Flyers".

Videos to teach letter/sound association and encourage learning.-- "Letter Fun", "Richard Scarry's the Best Spelling", "ABC's & 123's", "Word Clue Adventure", "Confidence".

Word lists and flash cards-- bug/insect, personal word lists, numbers, colors, shapes, coins, time, measurement, and number facts. Class trip to school butterfly garden to observe bugs.


Personal Curriculum in academic areas.

Reading--"Earobics", "Edmark", "Explode the Code", "Read Naturally", "Rigby Books", Computer Reading Programs, etc.

Math-- SRA Math Spectrum, Calculation Program, Word Problems, Money, Time, Measurement Lessons, etc.

Writing-- journal entries, letter writing, retelling stories or math problems, writing stories.

Workbook assignments in each of the above areas. Read stories into a tape recorder. Draw pictures telling what you learned.


Make a cage to hold bugs which you keep when going on a nature walk.


Write a story about:

-a bug which you found

-getting bitten by a bug

-how bugs have destroyed property or caused illness to people

-how bugs have been helpful to society


Make a bug collection of 12 bugs- mount, label, and tell where you found each.

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