Colonization Units 1 and 2 

by Patricia A. Weidknecht

Shadow Ridge High

Las Vegas, NV.

  • Why the Americas attracted Europeans, why they brought enslaved Africans to their colonies, and how Europeans struggled for control of North American and the Caribbean.

  • How political, religious, and social institutions emerged in the English colonies.

  • How the values and institutions of European economic life took root in the colonies, and how slavery reshaped European and African life in the Americas.

Level C:  All students must complete study guide for Chapters 3 and 4.  Need to earn 60 points for this section before moving on to Level B.

  1. Make flashcards of terms: compass, globe, Christopher Columbus, Lost Colony, Slavery, Colony, Mayflower Compact, Puritans, Indentured servant, Mercantilism, Triangular Trade, Fort Duquesne, Treaty of Paris.  Word, sentence, definition, drawing.
  2. Worksheet packet – chapter 4.
  3. Make a timeline of events from 1500 until 1760.  Include at least 10 events.
  4. Identify 5 important people and their contribution to the development of the Unites States of America from colonial times to the 1770’s.
  5. Watch power point presentation and take notes.
  6. Create a poster depicting passage on a slave ship in the Triangular Trade.  Include what Triangular Trade was and what routes it took.
  7. Draw the routes early European Explorers took on the map.  Include Cabot, Cartier, Verrazano, Columbus, Vespucci, Drake, and Magellan.
  8. Total Points

Level B:  Need to earn 40 pts. Before moving on to level A

  1. Create a graphic organizer of the three Colonial regions.  Include climate, crops, products made, what American Indians lived in the area, style of living, type of land available.

  1. Unit 2 Activity Master 1 worksheet – “What to take to a new home”

  1. Research the Mayflower.  Make a chart of basic information about the ship, such as its size, number of crew members, number of passengers, and amount of time it took to sail to Plymouth.  Draw and label a cross section of the ship.

  1. Create Venn diagram comparing and contrasting New England colonies and Southern Colonies

  1. Create a poster/mobile of Benjamin Franklin’s inventions.

  1. Read the biography of James Oglethorpe on page 80 or Margaret Brent on page 64.  Create a poster depicting their lives.

Total Points   

Level A:  Need to earn 25 points for a grade.

1.      Create an ad or travel brochure to encourage people to move to one of the original 13 colonies

2.      Write a letter to a relative in England describing your life in the colonies.  You need to include your daily activities as well as a description of your town.  Explain how you feel about living in the colony.  List both good and bad things about being a colonial.  Needs to be one page long.

3.      Design 6 quilt squares depicting daily life in the colonies.


Total Points     

_____15 pts

_____20 pts
_____15 pts
_____15 pts

_____20 pts
_____20 pts

_____15 pts



_____20 pts.

_____20 pts

_____20 pts.

_____10 pts.

_____15 pts.

_____20 pts.


_____25 pts.

_____25 pts.

_____25 pts.


Total Points from all Levels:  ___________________


Parent Signature_____________________________________________