Biodiversity Unit

Jamie Brunmeier
Thomas Jefferson Charter School

Work Dates: _Mon. 9/14/09- Fri. 9/18/09; Review/Test Dates: _No test J

Objectives (what are we learning in this unit?):




C Layer Activities: knowledge & comprehension

Students must earn at least 70 points to receive a “C” grade for this unit. You MUST complete activities with a “**”.





Assignment Description Date Due Teacher


20   Read Chp. 5 Then complete the end of the chapter review, #1-20. Complete sentences and all questions.  Be ready to answer any and all questions (OD).    
10   ** Vocabulary words (flashcards or a list): renewable resource, nonrenewable resource, sustainable use, endemic, bioremediation, edge effect, Eutrophication, natural resource    
10   Research the Spotted Owls vs. Loggers; explain what the problem is/was.  Find 2 other “environmental problems” that we have had in Idaho.  Be ready to explain what they were/are, when it occurred, etc.    
20   Outline Chapter 5 (OD)    
10   Watch one of the following three movies from, take 10 notes from the video, write the quiz questions and give their answers: fossil fuels, nuclear energy, or population growth    
10   Complete the following at:

1. Complete a paragraph summary of 1 of the 5 environmental problems listed on the site

2. Edit and send the e-mail as directed

10   Draw a picture, using color, of how fossil fuels form. Label your picture.    
10   Read about a career as a Research wildlife biologist, and then write a 250 report on what you discovered.    
15   Research the status of the Endangered Species Act from 1973 to present. Make a poster display showing a time line of events, specific people, and political parties’ involved and present problems.    
10   What are the Native American Fishing Rights? Be ready to explain and support your stance on this issue.    
10   What is modification for Wildlife Management Purposes; summarize in writing.    
10   Create a Biodiversity x-word with all the vocab. words    
10   Extinction, Human Accelerated Extinction, Why Worry about Extinction? What is being done to prevent extinction? Then summarize in writing- 250 words (OD).    

B layer Activities: Application and Analysis

You must complete 10 points in order to receive a “B”, and to advance to the A-Layer activities.

Students are responsible for conducting these labs.





Assignment Description Date Due Teacher


10   Do the human population lab and be write a one page paper (3 paragraph, typed, DS, 12 font) to explain the outcome of what happens to the demographics and diseases.  (   then click on the disease lab.)    
10   Predator-prey populations lab    

A  layer activities:  Synthesis and Evaluation

You must complete 10 points in order to receive an “A”.





Assignment description

Mix traditional research with values, morality, and your personal opinion about one of these topics currently under debate. There is no right or wrong answer, but your opinions should have support from your research. (Three paragraphs minimum, three sources should be used, and cited, to gain understanding about the topic and then you should carefully evaluate the problem.)

Date Due Teacher


10   Explain the last 100 year trend on human population of the world and what you think will happen in the next 100 years to the human population of the world.    
10   Take a position on global warming.  Is it affecting certain biomes?  Explain your position and give evidence supporting your position in a two page report.     
10   What is acid rain? What region(s) of the US is it effecting? What effect is it having on the flora and fauna?    

**Parent Signature:_____________________________________________________________________

(10 points)