Physical Science

Unit: Atomic Theory

Grant Stock
High School Principal
Crane, MO

Instructional Goals: 

    Assignment C Layer Points Signature
    Assignment B Layer    
    Assignment A Layer    

                                                Total points   _____ 

Student Signature________________________________  Date_________  

Parent Signature________________________________  Date_________ (5 points)

C Layer Assignments

Goal 1: State the law or recognize examples for the laws of conservation of mass, definite proportions, and multiple proportions.

  1. Draw a picture of each of these laws using atoms that make up a compound or that are involved in a chemical reaction. (3 points)
  2. Make a note card that gives the definition for each law and then has an example underneath the definition.       (3 points)

Goal 2: List the elements of Dalton’s atomic theory and explain any weakness in the hypothesis.

  1. Make a sheet of paper that has the elements of Dalton’s atomic theory on one side and then next to it tell whether or not it has been proven false. If false list why it is false. (4 points)
  2. List the elements of Dalton’s atomic theory and draw a picture that would help you remember that element.     (3 points)

Goal 3: Differentiate among the properties of the electron, proton, and neutron; describe the size and shape of the atom and its parts.

  1. Create a power point that describes the different parts (proton, electron, and neutron) of the atom. List their locations, symbols, purpose charge, and mass. (5 points)
  2. Draw a picture of what you think the atom looks like from our discussion and label the parts. (5 points)
  3. Fill out an atom chart, which you can obtain from Mr. Stock. (8 points)

Goal 4: Be able to name the scientist, model and experiments that led to our current understanding of the atom.

  1. Name each scientist that contributed to our current understanding of the atom. Then draw a picture of the experiment and or model that he proposed. (8 points)

Goal 5: Define atomic number, isotopic mass, and atomic mass.

  1. Come up with a song that would help the class remember each of these. (5 points)
  2. Write a poem that would help the class remember what these are. (5 points)

Goal 6: List the various families of elements and recognize their members by name or electronic structure.

  1. Color a periodic table to show the different families as well as metals transition metals (semi metals) and nonmetals. Then on the back of the table make a key that tells some of the properties of each group or family. (8 points)
  2. Create a song that would help the class remember the different families of the periodic table. (5 points)

Goal 7: List the symbols of common elements and differentiate between a symbol and a formula.

  1. Memorize the names for the following element symbols. (8 points)

B Layer Assignments

  1. Make a model of one of the experiments that led to our current understanding of the atom. You may make this out of any thing you like but food is always nice. (15 points)
  1. Do the Martian periodic table. (15 points)
  2. Do lab with electron cloud Idea. (15 points)
  1. Make a model of an atom you can use any material that you would like but food is always nice. (15 points)
  1. Create a board game that we could play that would incorporate all the concepts we have learned this chapter. (15 points)
  1. Pretend that you are a microscopic person that lives in an atom. Describe your life and routines. Tell us about any problems or enjoyable things that happen. Be creative. This paper must be at least 2 pages double spaced 11 font. (15 points)

A Layer Assignments

100 - 90 89 - 80 79 - 70 69 - 60 59 - 0

Rubric for Oral Defense C Layer 

    8.0 Exceeds learning goals/ beyond content and skills being taught
    6.0 Has met all targeted learning goals
    4.0 Has met simpler or some learning goals, but is missing larger concept
    2.0 Needs assistance for partial success
    0.0 No learning has taken place
  1. Title:
  1. Purpose:

    State what it is you are trying to determine with this lab.

  1. Materials and Equipment:

    List all materials used and draw a picture of the equipment used

  1. Procedure:


  1. Data Collection and Data Analysis:
  1. Conclusion: