The Unstoppable Universe (5th Grade)

From Science:  A Closer Look  textbook 

By, Amanda Dempsey 

Hudson Elementary School, Arizona 

Name _____________________________    Points _________________ 

C Layer – 5 points each.  Choose any 8 for a total of 40 points.   

  1. Read chapters and keep notes in space log.
  2. Make three tab foldable study guide that finishes these statements:
    1. The pull of gravity depends on…
    2. An object stays in orbit because…
    3. Because of Earth’s rotation…
  3. Create vocabulary flash cards for the bolded terms in Chapter 8.
  4. Make a poster that shows either a lunar eclipse or solar eclipse and how an eclipse occurs.
  5. Draw the phases of the moon (as seen from earth) in a sequence chart. Start with the new Moon.
  6. Go to and watch how gravity causes tides.  Write a paragraph describing the site and telling about 2 new things you learned from it.
  7. Make a Venn Diagram that compares two of the planets in the solar system.
  8. Research the surface of one of the inner planets.  Then draw an illustration of what the planet’s surface might look like.  Be prepared to explain your illustration to the class.
  9. Read about NASA’s Voyager Interstellar Mission and answer the following questions:
    1. What caused the Voyager spacecraft to be propelled from one planet toward the next?
    2. How did scientists benefit from the Voyager missions?
  10. Create a sequence chart that explains as well as has an illustration for each of the stages of a medium sized star. 

B Layer – 10 points each.  Choose 3 for a total of 30 points.

  1. Using your star chart, try to find at least 4 constellations at night.  Make a sketch of the constellations you saw as well as explain how you can use the Big Dipper to find Polaris.
  2. Research supernovas that have been seen in the last thousand years.  Pick 2 supernovas and describe the last time they were seen.
  3. Answer the following questions to determine the weight of objects on other planets.
    1. Sprit, the Mars Exploration Rover, weighs 1700 Newtons on Earth.  How much would it weigh on Mars?
    2. An Astronaut weighs 910 Newtons on Earth.  How many Newtons would the astronaut weigh on Venus?
    3. If a dog weighs 290 Newtons on Earth, how much would the dog weigh on each planet?
  1. With two other classmates, first explain the importance of gravity and what it does.  Secondly, act out what would happen if gravity stopped working.  You must create posters and props for your skit. 
  1. Research the moon.  Write song lyrics about the Moon.  Write down any statements made about the Moon in your song.  Identify each as either fact or opinion. 

A Layer - 15 points each.  Choose 2 for a total of 30 points.   

  1. Make a chart and record the revolution data from the diagram on  your chart.  Also, calculate how old you be if you lived on each of the planets. 
Planet Revolution


Earth-Planet Ratio Age on Planet
Earth 365 1 62
Mars 687 1.88 33
  1. Complete the “How Far apart are the Planets?” inquiry activity.  All planets and distances should be recorded on the role of paper towels.
  2. Work with a partner to complete the “How does Distance Affect how Bright a Star Appears?” lab.   Make sure to record your answers to numbers 4 and 5 and turn them in.